private English Language Conversation and pronunciation Tutor, anywhere in the world If
you’ve ever thought about helping
Are you a Native English Language Speaker? Do you enjoy talking with students from foreign countries? You want to be a tutor but don’t have time to do a course? Well, this book will give you everything you need to begin.
I’m here to tell you that it is very easy to start your own English language conversation tutoring business. So, if you’ve always wanted to try tutoring English to English as a Second Language (ESL) students, now’s your chance. Because in this book I’ve included everything you need to know to set up your own English Language Conversation tutoring business in your own area! Yes, that’s right. You don’t have to go to a far off country and teach in some school you’ve never heard of. You can do this in a café or other place close to your home. Maybe you want to do it for some extra pocket money, or maybe you’re retired and wouldn’t mind doing something like this in your spare time. Perhaps the only thing that is holding you back is that you don’t know how to cross the line! It’s the ‘getting started’ part that no one tells you about. It’s all very well for all these self-help books to say that they can give you such and such advice to help you start your own business, but if they don’t actually tell you HOW to start your own business, how will it help you? Well, this book will help you start today!
I like to plan ahead so not knowing what I needed to plan for put me off setting up my tutoring business. I knew there were people out there doing it casually for some extra pocket money but I didn’t know anyone who could help me. I did a literacy course, then a TESOL certificate course. I read copious exercises and brushed up on my grammar. I practiced teaching some of my friends, and I regularly searched the net for information, but what I couldn’t find was a step by step guide to starting up a private tutoring business. It looked to me like all the English Colleges and private tutors did not want this information to be public. But I knew that there were enough ESL students in the world that everyone could work in this area and still get enough students to be successful. So, I threw myself in at the deep end. Through trial and error I finally worked out how I could get students. From 1 per week, then 2 then 4, then, before I knew it I was tutoring 22 students a week and had to put up my prices to reduce the amount of requests I was getting. I was also able to quit my day job, finally! After 14 years of doing this I’m taking a break. I’ve put this book together so that many people like you can do what I did, anywhere in the world. But now, YOU can avoid all those long steps I took and become an English language conversation tutor today by reading my book. How
to Become a
An Easy Step by Step
Guide for Native English
Fourth Edition By James Hogan So, what does it contain? This book is over 150 pages. But don’t be dismayed, almost half those pages are exercises for you to print for your students. That’s right. Not only do you get all the advice you need to start up your business, but the book contains over 10 lessons worth of exercises for your students. That's approximately 10 hours worth of lessons for your students!! While no amount of exercises will cover every student, having 10 lessons worth of material ready means you can start advertising yourself as an English Language Conversation Tutor, before you’ve even read the book!!! What else do you get? I bet it can be hard to write a classified advertisement advertising your services. Well, I’ve made it easy. I’ve included the advertising I use online to get students. Just change a couple of things like the name and number and you can use it yourself. I’ve also included a template for notice boards that have been proven to get me a large number of students. Once again, just change a few details and you can use it anywhere. Start getting calls within days! But exercises and advertising aren’t all there is in this book. * Step by step guides for starting up your business, running your first lesson, planning your future lessons * A step by step guide on how to teach online. A whole chapter devoted to setting up your online teaching service. * Example advertising, email letters, phone scripts and other useful pages to make it easy to start. * Pronunciation exercises for your students, as well as tips to help you get them to improve themselves. * 10 lessons worth of plans and exercises for use in 1 hour conversation lessons. * Advice on how to get your students coming back for more. And much more! Did you know that some students have no idea about a particular suffix and why it sounds different in different words? Find out about it in this book. Did you know that there’s a particular sound that replaces a lot of vowels in our language that makes English sound the way it does, and really opens the eyes of students when they learn of it? Check out the exercise in this book. If you’ve been waiting for a guide to help you start your English Language Conversation Tutoring business you don’t need to wait anymore. You can save months of time and worry by ordering this book today for the price of just US$19.95. Yes, that’s right. Only US$19.95. Can you believe it? 14 years of distilled advice, knowledge, steps on how to set up your business, exercises and more. Over 150 pages for only US$19.95. Click here to order your copy today More Testimonials
I bet you’re asking "US$19.95? Why is the price so low?” Well, it would mean a lot to me if you gave it a review. Keeping this guide at the low price of US$19.95 for awhile will, I hope, help me to get many good reviews! This price is for a limited time only and will be increasing soon, so don’t delay. Now’s your chance to get hold of this easy tutor's guide and grab all the students in your area before someone else does! This is the best time to get students so start putting into practice the advice in the book as soon as possible. If you’ve got a resolution that you’re going to do something different with your life, now’s the time. But, what if you
prefer not to get a printed version?
I give you my personal guarantee that this book contains useful information that will be helpful in helping you to start your own business. If you’re not satisfied you can return it for a full refund. 100% guaranteed Remember, you’re getting the equivalent value of 14 years worth of my experience. I don’t think you could put a price on that. Plus, you’ll also be able to avoid all those mistakes and pitfalls that I’ve made while I tried to set up my business. This is real “insider” information and the best part of years of experience and research would usually cost hundreds of dollars. I’ve looked at reports of only 60 pages selling for over US$1200.00! Why are other reports so costly? Because that’s what people will pay for secrets, expert knowledge and specialised training. I was planning to sell this book online for US$47.00. But I’d really like to get some more testimonials for my site so I’ve cut the price to only US$19.95. A lot of new English language conversation tutors charge over $30 per hour for their service. This means… You could make your money back with your first student! But I’m planning to increase it to US$47.00 soon so please don’t be surprised if you come back the next day and the price has already gone up. I’m not sure how long I can keep it at this low price. Even so, US$47.00 is such a good deal for all the information that you’ll get with this book that I’m sure you probably would still be happy with that price if you decide to come back later.
This book is a manual, a guide, a tool to help you start your own English language conversation tutoring business. How you use it is up to you. Even if you decide the guide is not for you, I wish you all the best in whatever you choose to do. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been, tutoring students from around the world without needing to work for anyone else but myself; I hope you find your happiness too. All the best
James Hogan P.S. I haven’t really talked about how much money you might make tutoring foreign students in English Language conversation skills. If you’d like to find out, you’ll need to order the book. |