5th March 2022
As mentioned below, now that it’s early 2022, submissions are now open for space fiction stories. We’re currently looking for short stories of about 4500 to 6000 words that feature space, aliens, spaceships and other high tech. The token payment is US$20 for the story. Currently we need short stories for Alien Dimensions. Go to the Alien Dimensions submission guidelines page to find out more, including how to contact us:
Alien Dimensions Submission Guidelines
Come back in early 2023 to see our new plans for buying space fiction novels over 50,000 words.
18th November 2020

Welcome to a new addition to the Maldek House departments. Space Fiction Books.
The goal of Space Fiction Books is to release hard space opera science fiction novels. For years we’ve tried to attract writers who write space fiction by erroneously advertising that we need science fiction writers. Of course, modern day science fiction has been skewed by media and marketing to include just about anything slightly futuristic or speculative and mostly what we’re not looking for!
So, we’ll no longer advertise for science fiction writers. Instead, we’re looking for space fiction writers, who write high tech stories set in the far future featuring a lot of world building and aliens.
Currently we’re not accepting submissions, but as soon as the coronavirus epidemic is back to manageable levels, we’ll open up this side of Maldek House to submissions. Expect this part of the site to be live in early 2022.